Wreck Diver
Whether purpose-sunk as an artificial reef for scuba divers, or lost as the result of an accident, wrecks are fascinating windows to the past. Ships, airplanes and even cars are fascinating to explore and usually teem with aquatic life.
Each wreck dive offers a chance for discovery, potentially unlocking a mystery or spying something others have missed. The PADI Wreck Diver Specialty course is popular because it offers rewarding adventures while observing responsible wreck diving practices.
If you’re at least 15 years old and have earned a Adventure Diver certification or higher, you can enroll in the Wreck Diver Specialty course.
The Learning
There are many different types of wrecks, some of which are protected by laws that guard their historical and cultural significance. Your training starts by reviewing guidelines for researching and respecting wrecks. During four dives you’ll learn:
Safety considerations for navigating and exploring wrecks.
Surveying and mapping a wreck.
Using penetration lines and reels to guide exploration.
Techniques to avoid kicking up silt or disturbing the wreck and its inhabitants.
You may be able to get college credit for the Wreck Diver course.
Also, the first dive of this course may credit as an Adventure Dive toward your Advanced Open Water Diver certification – ask us about earning credit.
Important Medical Information
For your safety and to avoid delays in your course:
Download and Print the Diver Medical Form
Carefully read the form and answer the Medical History Questions honestly.
If you can answer "Yes" to question 3, 5, or 10, OR any question on page 2, then written clearance to dive, without restrictions, from a physician is required prior to any in-water activities. Immediately do the following:
Take or send all 3 pages of the form to your physician (MD or DO).
Ask your physician to complete the PHYSICIAN section on Page 3 of the form and return the form to you.
Student Divers who are professional physicians may not sign for approval on their own medical form.Make a copy of the completed form and put it in a safe place. You may need it in the future.
Bring the completed original form to your first course session.
Give your completed Diver Medical Form to your instructor at your first course session. Otherwise, your training will be delayed.
For questions regarding your fitness to scuba dive, please speak with your physician. You and/or your physician can also speak with Diving Medicine Specialists at Divers Alert Network at no charge. Contact the Divers Alert Network (DAN) non-emergency medical information line at 919-684-2948 (Monday-Friday, 8am-4pm CT). Referrals to local diving and hyperbaric medicine specialists are available.
If you have a copy of this form signed by a physician within 12 months prior to the expected completion date of your course, and your medical history has not changed, then you may provide a copy of it to your instructor. Otherwise, you will need to complete a new form.
Course tuition includes:
PADI Wreck Diver Crew-Pak
(Manual and other knowledge development materials)Instructional dives with our professional crew*
Rental tank and weights
Certification processing
Certification card
Quarry fee, air fills and scuba equipment rental not included. Add $120 if you require rental regulator, BCD and dive computer.
Get Started
Call Denny’s Scuaba Adventure at (509) 499-7513 to enroll in the course and get the PADI Wreck Diver Crew-Pak that includes your manual and video. By studying before the dives, you’ll be better prepared to start practicing your wreck diving skills when you go diving with your Instructor.
Student Agreement: By registering for the Wreck Diver Course, you indicate that you have read and agree to the course policies, terms and conditions.
Wreck Diver Course is scheduled as needed. Call Denny’s Scuba Adventure at (509) 499-7513
The Gear
You’ll need your basic scuba equipment, plus a dive light to see into the wreck, a slate and underwater compass for mapping and navigation, and a line and reel for practicing wreck penetration. Your instructor may suggest other gear appropriate for wreck diving in your area.
The Next Step
With your PADI Wreck Diver certification, you're well on your way toward earning additional specialty diver certifications, the Advanced Open Water Diver certification, or the prestigious Master Scuba Diver certification. You may want to expand your diving skills even more with the Rescue Diver course. Ask your instructor or divemaster or give us a call for more details.