Prepared Diver

The Course

In our ongoing effort to make every dive accident- and injury-free, we are happy to offer this engaging online course which provides greater insight into the science behind fundamental diving skills and highlights best practices.

The course covers common contributing factors that lead to diver injury including:

  • Respect Your Limits

  • Be Aware of Your Air

  • Listen to Your Ears

  • Maintain Good Buoyancy

  • Control Your Ascent

  • Assume Responsibility


Anyone may take this online course.

The Learning

During this video-based course, you will cover six core topics:

  • Discover the different limitations divers face before every dive, including environmental, physical and physiological issues. Learn how to recognize limitations and abilities while planning dives within your current training and skill level.

  • Running out of air is the most common contributing factor in diving accidents, yet it is easily avoided. Determine ways to prevent out of air situations by considering factors such as current, buoyancy control and depth when planning your dive. 

  • Ear injuries are common but preventable by equalizing often and listening to your body. Learn the proper techniques for equalization along with common injuries and how to avoid them. 

  • Issues like barotrauma, marine life injuries and uncontrolled ascents can often be prevented with effective buoyancy control. Review the best practices to enhance and perfect your buoyancy skills.

  • Lack of control on ascent and discounting safety stops are some of the issues divers face while diving. Explore the principles of physics affecting safe ascents, the different types of dive environments and how to ascend properly in each one.

  • Many divers may expect certain aspects of their dive planned and prepared for them. This can be problematic when something goes wrong. Learn the aspects of dive planning and preparation that should always be done by every diver participating in scuba activities.

​DAN’s (Divers Alert Network) new eLearning platform delivers an enjoyable online learning experience. The platform, which can be used with all desktop and mobile devices, accommodates the new Prepared Diver Course. DAN’s eLearning Platform is easy to navigate and features a variety of benefits for you.

​Note: This course is educational only and does not include a diving certification. Therefore, it does not count toward the five specialty diver certifications required for PADI Master Scuba Diver certification.


$25 per person

​Get Started

Call Denny’s Scuba Adventures at (509) 499-7513 to enroll in the course. As soon as you're enrolled, you'll receive an email from Divers Alert Network with instructions to access the Prepared Diver Course online.

The Next Step

With your prepared diver knowledge, you're ready to apply what you learned during all of your future diving. You may want to expand your diving horizons even more by taking one of the many specialty courses available to you as a certified diver. Ask your instructor or divemaster or give us a call for more details.