Frequently Asked Question

  • You can start right now by purchasing Step 1 - Knowledge Development. Then, have a look at the Open Water Diver Course page to see upcoming dates for the pool training and open water dives.

  • With eLearn You'll spend about 8 to 15 hours on your own to complete Step 1 or 6-12 self study plus 9 hours of classroom.

    For eLearner, you'll spend a couple hours with your instructor on a Wednesday evening learning all about the gear you'll be using as a new diver.

    Then, you'll spend a Saturday and Sunday morning completing Step 2 - Pool Training with your class and instructor.

    Finally, you will make 4 dives during Step 3 - Open Water Dives over a Saturday and Sunday with your class and instructor.

    Self-study time eLearner or 9 hours of class plus two weekends with your class and instructor is all it takes to earn your Open Water Diver scuba certification. You can find the exact course schedules on our Open Water Diver Course page.

    Private course options are also available. Stop by or call us for details.

    Scheduling During COVID-19:

    As the COVID situation remains very fluid, student divers will be scheduled on a case-by-case basis, possibly with a customized training schedule. Our staff will work closely with each student diver to ensure training goals are met in a timely manner while maximizing safety for both students and staff. Your course schedule and/or location may vary from those that are presented on our website. Please verify your class date, time, and location with our shop staff.

  • We have options for you. A referral to complete the open water training dives at your vacation destination or the Scuba Diver certification may be right for you. Stop by or give us a call for more information about these options.

  • Step 1 - Knowledge Development : Class or eLearning

    $195 per person

    Call (509) 455-7513 for Traditional Classroom and self study or Click here to start eLearning now!

    Step 2 - Pool Training

    $150 per person 2021 Special!

    $225 per person regular price

    Step 3 - Open Water Dives

    $150 per person 2021 Special!

    $225 per person regular price

    Call us to register for Step 2 and Step 3 of your training. We recommend you do this before registering for Step 1 online so that we can ensure you have ample time to complete the course before any planned vacation.

  • While training standards allow us to teach children as young as 10 years of age, we have found that many preteens are not fully ready to participate in group training sessions alongside adults. We still offer training to preteens, however, we only do so after an instructor evaluation and in a private class setting. Please call us for pricing and scheduling options.

  • While you don't have to be an athlete swimmer to scuba dive, you should be comfortable in the water and have basic swimming ability. To demonstrate your basic ability and comfort, your instructor will have you:​

    Swim 200 yards non-stop using any stroke(s) you wish with no time limit, or Snorkel swim 300 yards using mask, snorkel and fins non-stop with no time limit. You may choose which swim you would like to do.

    Complete a 10 minute tread water or float face up without touching the sides or bottom of the pool.Item description

  • For fit and comfort, you will need your own essential personal diving gear including mask, snorkel, fins, dive boots, surface marker buoy, and mesh gear bag.

    Other scuba equipment needed will be provided by Scuba Frisco at the pool and open water dives. This includes a dive computer, regulator, buoyancy control device, air tank, and dive weights.

    When you purchase your essential personal dive gear (mask, snorkel, fins, boots, surface marker buoy, and mesh gear bag) at Scuba Frisco you will receive FREE rental of scuba gear during your training with us — an additional $120 value.

  • Not necessary. We offer both classroom and eLearning. We have work with divers who prefer classroom instruction. This is a good opinion for youth or those who prefer the classroom . For those who prefer eleraning, you will not have to sit through the classroom presentation. The water is our classroom! You will complete essential knowledge development online, at your own pace, in your own time, where you are comfortable.Item description

  • One-on-one training with a custom schedule is available. There are many options with a private course. Upon registration we will contact you to make arrangements for completing your course components. Please contact us for a personalized options and pricing.Item description

  • Yes! Whether you have a scout troop, work group, or just a group of friends, we can arrange a custom Open Water Diver course for you. Minimum group size is 4 participants. Call us to make reservations for your group.Item description

  • We train divers in the use of both dive tables and dive computers, We have found that some students prefer a foundation in tables or choose not to purchase a dive compuer

    If you are have a computer we can provide instruction on the us eof the computer. You will learn how to use a modern, reliable dive computer to plan and manage your dive and post-dive activities.

    Either way you will learn the basics of decompression theory during your training. Both table or computer are simply tools to manage your dives.

  • The short answer is you can dive practically anywhere there’s water – from a swimming pool to the ocean and all points in between, including quarries, lakes, rivers and springs. It is recommended that you dive with someone familiar with the local area either a dive professional or a fellow diver.

  • With the necessary training and experience, the limit for recreational scuba diving is 130 feet. Beginning divers generally stay shallower than about 60 feet. Although these are the limits, some of the most popular diving is no deeper than 40 feet where the water’s warmer and the colors are brighter.Item description

  • Your Open Water Diver certification will never expire. However, if you go several months or longer without making a dive, we highly recommend a one night ReActivate program to brush up those rusty scuba skills before your next big adventure. Or, you might consider adding some new skills in the process and opt for the Adventure Diver or Advanced Open Water Diver course.Item description

  • Yes! Validating the quality of the PADI System of diver education, many institutions and national educational councils around the world recommend PADI scuba courses for college credit, occupational certificates, or educational funding. See our Get College Credit page for more information.

  • No, assuming you have no irregularities in your ears and sinuses. The discomfort is the normal effect of water pressure pressing in on your ears. Fortunately, our bodies are designed to adjust for pressure changes in our ears – you just need to learn how, which you'll do during your first confined water dive in the pool.

  • Not necessarily. Any condition that affects the ears, sinuses, respiratory function, heart function or may alter consciousness is a concern, but only a physician can assess a person’s individual risk. You and your physician(s) can also consult with the Divers Alert Network (DAN) as necessary when assessing fitness to scuba dive. See the Important Medical Information section on the Open Water Diver Course page for more information.

  • Being able to see clearly underwater is important, for avoiding injury, for being able to read your dive gauges, and to see directions from your instructor. If you wear glasses, then we recommend having prescription lenses installed in your dive mask before you begin the confined water portion of your training. There are many options for prescription dive masks, and D & K Scuba Adventures can help you obtain the correct mask and lenses. Allow ample time for lenses to be ordered, cut, and installed in your dive mask. This is not something to leave until the week you start your class.

    If you wear contacts, most modern soft contacts can be worn while scuba diving. However, you should consult with your optometrist or ophthalmologist before using your contacts underwater.

  • Sun burn and seasickness, both of which are preventable with over the counter preventatives. The most common injuries caused by marine life are scrapes and stings, most of which can be avoided by wearing an exposure suit (wetsuit), staying off the bottom and watching where you put your hands and feet.

  • That’s not likely because you have a gauge that tells you how much air you have at all times. This way, you can return to the surface with a safety reserve remaining. But to answer the question, if you run out of air, your buddy has a spare mouthpiece that allows you to share a single air supply while swimming to the surface. You will learn and practice this and other options in training.

  • Although wearing a lot of equipment may seem awkward, many people find the “weightlessness” of scuba diving to be quite freeing. Modern dive masks are available in translucent models, which you may prefer if a mask makes you feel closed in.

  • When you’re lucky, you get to see a shark. Although incidents with sharks can occur, they are very, very, very rare and with respect to diving, primarily involve spear fishing or feeding sharks, both of which trigger feeding behavior. Most of the time, if you see a shark it’s passing through and a relatively rare sight to enjoy.

  • Aside from pregnancy, no. Because physiologists know little about the effects of diving on the fetus, the recommendation is that women avoid diving while pregnant or trying to become pregnant. Menstruation is not normally a concern.

  • Scuba diving gives you a unique way to face challenges and transform your life in new ways. Becoming a diver can give you confidence that spills over into the way you face life every day. Start Diving Today!