Dive Against Debris

 The course aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills to complete Dive Against Debris surveys including the removal of marine debris underwater and reporting the data to Project AWARE.

Dive Against Debris surveys and the data submitted are essential to help drive change and inform policy. Completing regular Dive Against Debris surveys at the same location over time is the best way to build a comprehensive database and identify hotspot areas where waste management needs to be prioritized. Use this course to build a team of surveyors who regularly complete Dive Against Debris surveys.


PADI (Junior) Open Water or equivalent Minimum age 12. One dive is required

 The Learning

By the end of knowledge development, students will be able to explain:

The Messy Problem of Marine Debris

Marine debris: the damage done, what it is, where it comes from and how divers are part of the solution.

• Describe the damage caused by marine debris to wildlife, habitats, and coastal environments

• Explain and define marine debris

• Describe the pathways taken by rubbish to the ocean

• Explain changes needed to stop rubbish from entering the ocean and how divers are driving change through Dive Against Debris ®

Time to Dive Against Debris

• Establish a Dive Against Debris ® survey: survey frequency, sites, profiles and equipment. Use of photography and knowing what to leave behind.

• Describe important attributes of a Dive Against Debris ® survey

• Outline considerations for creating a survey dive profile

• Describe the use of photography in Dive Against Debris ® surveys

• Identify criteria for deciding when objects should not be removed from underwater

Make Your Survey Count

The five easy steps to maximise the benefits to the environment of a Dive Against Debris ® survey.

• Describe the five steps to record and report findings from a survey dive

 Pricing: $180

Course tuition includes:

·      Dive Against Debris Survey Guide

·      Dive Against Debris Data Card

·      Dive Against Debris Marine Debris Identification Guide

·      PADI Certification Card Project Aware Dive Against Debris

Get Started

Call Denny’s Scuba Adventure to enroll in the course and schedule a class.

Student Agreement: By registering for Project Aware Dive Against Debris, you indicate that you have read and agree to the  PADI course policy and conditions.

 Project Aware Dive Against Debris Course is scheduled as needed. Call Denny’s Scuba Adventure (509) 499-7513 to set up the class.

The Gear

It's not required, but it’s best to use your own scuba equipment, including a weight system, so that you fine-tune your buoyancy in gear you’ll use on every dive. Your instructor and the crew at Denny’s Scuba Adventure can help you find the equipment that is best for you and your diving adventures.

 The Next Step

With your certification Dive Against Debris, you are ready for your, Coral Conservation or perhaps Shark Conservation Course.. You may want to expand your diving skills even more with the PADI Rescue Diver course. Ask your instructor or divemaster, stop by Denny’s Scuba Adventures, or give us a call for more details.