DAN Diving First Aid for Professional Divers Instructor Course – version 3
This course is designed to introduce you to the concepts and teaching methodology of the Diving First Aid for Professional Divers course. The purpose of this course is to teach commercial, professional, aquarium and scientific divers, and it provides knowledge and first-aid skills specifically for these work environments.
It is the most comprehensive first aid course in the dive industry, and taking this course gives divemasters and dive instructors an indispensable set of risk-mitigation skills. This course is also approved by the U.S. Coast Guard as meeting the CPR and first aid requirements for captain and mate licenses.
1. Be a DAN member and a DAN Professional.
2. Be an active scuba diving leader (e.g., instructor, assistant instructor, dive con or divemaster) with your training agency.
3. Complete the DAN Basic Life Support: CPR and First Aid (BLS) Instructor course
4. Complete the Emergency Oxygen for Injured Diver Instructor course
The Learning
The following topics are covered in this course to provide you with a foundation to teach the Diving First Aid for Professional Divers components:
· Basic Sciences
· Emergency Preparation
o Bloodborne Pathogens
o Emergency Action Plans
· Response and Primary Assessment
o Scene Safety Assessment
· Neurological Assessment
· Oxygen for Scuba Diving Injuries
Scene Safety Assessment
Donning and Doffing Gloves
Initial Assessment and Positioning for Care
Neurological Assessment
Oxygen First Aid for Scuba Diving Injuries
Demand Inhalator Valve
Nonbreather Mask
Manually Triggered Ventilator
Bag Valve Mask
CPR and AEDs: Single- and Two- Rescuer Adult
Child and Infant CPR
Obstructed Airway
Abdominal Thrusts
Chest Thrusts
Back Blows
General and Secondary Assessments
Medical Emergencies
Injuries from Marine Life
Control of External Bleeding
Bandaging and Wound Management
Obstructed Airway and Suctioning
Child and Infant
Secondary Assessment
Injury Management
Pressure Immobilization Technique
Control of External Bleeding
Applying a Tourniquet
Severe Allergic Reaction/Opioid Overdose
Epinephrine/Naloxone auto-injectors
Shock Management
Pricing: $275 (additional materials, fees and expenses may be required and are not included)
Course Tuition Includes:
· Access to the Diving First Aid for Professional Divers eLearning Module
· 6-8 hours of Skill Development in teaching the skills list above
· Course Completion Card
The Gear
The student is required to have:
· Oronasal resuscitation mask
· Current DAN BLS: First Aid slates.
· Paper copy or downloaded electronic copy of the DAN Instructor Manual found in the DAN Paper copy or downloaded electronic copy of Core Instructor eLearning module Diving First Aid for Professional Divers CourseInstructor Guide found in the eLearning module.
Get Started
Call D & K Scuba Adventure to enroll in the Diving First Aid for Professional Divers Course and get your Diving First Aid for Professional Divers Module eLearning link by email. You must complete the eLearning course before the practical application session, you’ll be better prepared for your practice teaching assignments. You will also understand how to organize each class and how to certify students.
Student Agreement: By registering for the Diving First Aid for Professional Divers course, you indicate that you have read and agree to the DAN Instructor course policies, and conditions.
Diving First Aid for Professional Divers course is scheduled as needed. Call D & K Scuba Adventure (509) 499-7513 to set up the class.
The Next Step
Call (509) 499-7513 to discuss our goals for becoming a DAN Instructor. Ask about a package price for your training and discounts for public safety divers.